Phoenix FM’s brand new digital studio went live last Saturday night, 16 June, at 10.00pm. Peter Williams and Dale Simpson from Vision Australia Radio have pulled off an amazing feat in getting this equipment installed and operational.
Last Saturday an orientation day was held and many of our presenters took the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the new panel. We will be continuing work in the studio over the coming weeks with repainting etc. and Peter Williams will still be kept quite busy installing some extra components. Other volunteers involved in the transition were Samual Harrison, Brett Adie,Anne Conway and Bill Whitbread and of course all our presenters who have taken the baton and are proudly running with it.
Val Hogan had the honour of being the very first presenter to actually use the new digital desk live on air the next morning to present her program Country Gospel and All at 9.00am and she is rather proud that she has gone down in this history, and she did very well as have all our presenters.
In the coming months we will be having an Open Day and inviting local dignitaries in to celebrate the official launch of the new studio.
The photos below were taken last Saturday at our Orientation Day. It was wonderful to bring our presenters together and embark on this new adventure together. Sadly, we don’t have photos of everyone who took part.